“A healthy person has a thousand desires, a sick person just one.”
— Confucius

Hi, I’m Cecily - Registered Nutritional Therapist DipION, BANT CNHC & Yoga Teacher based in Rotherhithe, London.
Diet only scratches the surface when it comes to optimal health which is why I work holistically within my Nutrition practice. I focus on the whole picture of human health including diet, lifestyle, sleep, connection, exercise, spiritual health, emotional health, trauma, epigenetics, neuro-diversity…and the list goes on! I believe that the practice of Yoga complements this beautifully - optimising physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health which is why I encourage clients to include it when working through their nutritional programme.
Yoga is a fundamental practice that allows us to develop discernment and understanding about what we uniquely need and desire, and most importantly what is aligned for our highest good. To deeply know oneself can be one of the most empowering and critical lessons for us to learn and when one is aligned with their purpose and truth, health will always follow!