A delicate balance of nutrients is required to ensure the effective functioning of the human body and if this becomes imbalanced, the body often responds symptomatically which may lead to more serious or chronic health conditions. Nutritional therapy provides a holistic and complementary approach to healthcare based on recent and reputable scientific literature. Through using this evidence-based platform, we aim to identify the underlying biochemical imbalances and root causes that may be contributing to your current symptoms. Once identified, a personalised diet and lifestyle programme is developed to meet the unique requirements of our clients, where in some instances, functional lab testing and supplementation may be advisable.
Nutritional Therapists build personalised diet and lifestyle programmes based on recent and reputable scientific literature, adopting an evidence-based approach. In Nutritional Therapy there is no ‘one size fits all’. The aim is to restore balance and promote harmony in the body with a tailored programme to meet the clients unique requirements.
Throughout my own healing journey I have tried, tested, and been influenced by many different modalities and philosophies related to health and wellness. I have learnt that as people, we are complex and unique, yet we like to think of ourselves as the same (or at least, similar!). For example, as women many of us take over the counter medicine, unaware of the fact that the majority of medical trials are only tested on white males. This also applies to diet and exercise regimes. Many popular programmes that circulate in the health and wellness space are again, tested and tailored to white men. I’ve seen this cause many women (including myself) serious hormonal imbalances and gut dysfunction when following these programmes. So many of us are left confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed by the mixed messages we are being fed in the media about what ‘health’ is, and what it takes to be healthy.
I believe that due our complexity as individuals, no ‘one size’ approach will ever fit all. Our environment, life stressors, diet, finances, history, genetics etc will give us all our own unique blueprint and in order to thrive, a diet and lifestyle plan needs to be tailored specifically for you. Yes, the scientific research is important and thankfully, more is being carried out on women nowadays. However, the main goal is to look deeply into what makes you you, and to cater to your specific needs by considering the broader perspective.
It is never just one thing that leads our body into dysfunction. For this reason, I practice a holistic approach, so in addition to tailoring a programme based on the most recent and reputable nutritional science, I offer practical advice, tools, and coaching around breathing practices, meditation, mindfulness, exercise, yoga, and spiritual and psychological wellbeing.
As a yoga teacher, I offer clients the option of 1-1 yoga sessions to support them in obtaining a deeper mind-body connection through the physical practice of yoga. I passionately believe that yoga is for every body and that modifications and adaptations can be implemented to suit ALL abilities, and each body shape, so total beginners are always welcomed and supported.
Common symptoms of digestive dysfunction:
Constipation (classified as not passing a stool daily or incomplete evacuation)
Unusual stool consistency, odor, frequency
Bloating (distension), gas, flatulence
Pain or cramping
Suspected food sensitivities
Unexplained weight gain or loss
Blood or mucus in stool
Symptoms after foreign travel - suspected parasite, yeast overgrowth, worms…
Skin conditions - spots, rashes etc
Sugar cravings
Recurring UTI’s (urinary tract infection), thrush, bacterial vaginosis
Low mood and/or anxiety?
Digestive health is something that is absolutely key to human health and function. Its where we absorb and metabolise the nutrients from our food - it is inhabited by our complex microbiome and accommodates around 70% of our entire immune system. Our human body contains more bacteria than it does human DNA with some stats suggesting that we are only 10-15% human! We essentially host a very complex microbiome both internally and externally (on the skin) but the majority lives in the gut, and so the function and health of our gut will impact much of our biological systems. This is why when our digestive system (from mouth to anus) is out of balance, our health is impacted, often alerting us through the symptoms listed above.
There is an intimate link between the gut and the brain (gut brain axis) which explains why mental illness often coincides with gut dysfunction.
There can be some confusion around gut health due to the large amount of conflicting information you can find across social media platforms these days. Truth is, no one size approach will fit all. You may have heard that fermented foods are excellent for the gut (and they are) but if you have a sensitivity to histamine or a case of dysbiosis (imbalance in gut bacteria) you might find fermented foods actually exacerbate your symptoms, or worse still, create new ones. There is no ‘one thing’ that will guarantee optimal digestive health it will inevitably rely of a myriad of things, however, one thing I do believe is that the most important thing you can do for your health is to be CONSISTENT. Consistency is only possible when we implement dietary and lifestyle changes gradually, and only choose what is inherently right for us. Again, no one size will fit all which is why working one-to-one with a Nutritional therapist will set you up for success in the long-term.
If you would like to find out more then please email me your questions, or set up your free no-obligation 20 minute discovery call.
Common symptoms of a hormonal imbalance:
Are you feeling wired but tired?
Struggling to calm down before bedtime, or a second wind keeps you up late?
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep?
Increased anxiousness and worrying?
Intense mood swings - anger, rage, irritability, tearfulness?
Memory lapses or feeling distracted?
Sugar cravings?
Weight gain, particularly around the middle?
Skin conditions - spots, rashes etc
Unexplained high blood pressure or rapid heart beat?
High blood sugar?
Indigestion, ulcers, or reflux?
Irregular menstrual cycle?
Decreased fertility?
Low or unusually high sex drive?
PCOS diagnosis?
PMS or PMDD diagnosis?
Have you just read this list and are very much relating to some (or many) of these symptoms? Well, you’re not alone, many women are struggling with these symptoms in silence particularly as they are transitioning through one of the 4 cycles we experience as females - from puberty, to menstruation, to perimenopause, and finally menopause. My wish is to support women through these inevitable transitions and then of course, throughout the course of each stage of life.
Please note, the list above barely scratches the surface when it comes to the variety of symptoms we can experience when there is an unrecognised/undiagnosed hormonal imbalance present. So whether you relate to one or many, it is time to take action to bring your hormones back into their natural rhythm - I focus on diet and lifestyle recommendations specific to the infradian cycle (which is a fancy name for a female menstrual cycle).
If you would like to find out more then please email me your questions, or set up your free no-obligation 20 minute discovery call.
Common symptoms of poor mental health and decline
Are you feeling less capable to complete tasks or commitments that you used to manage well?
Increased anxiousness, worrying, rumination?
A disinterest or lack of enjoyment in the things you used to find enjoyable?
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep?
Intense mood swings - anger, rage, irritability, tearfulness?
Memory lapses or feeling distracted?
Unexplainable skin rashes or pimples/spots?
Unexplainable fatigue?
Feeling hopeless, powerless, apathetic?
Lacking inspiration and/or motivation to take on positive challenges and build mastery?
Feeling lonely and disconnected - even when you’re around people?
Having suicidal thoughts or are actively engaging in self harming behaviour?
Unexplained changes in appetite - not feeling hungry or feeling excessively hungry?
Sugar cravings?
Recent diagnosis of ADHD or Autism without a clear idea on how to support your needs?
Mental health has become a popular topic across mainstream media and social media platforms, this once stigmatised topic has become a lot more accepted and understood in society, which in my opinion is great, however as with all things that go ‘viral’, misinformation and oversimplification is a guarantee. I see posts on social media claiming to ‘cure’ a range of mental health difficulties and illnesses, and where I can see that the intention of these posts are mostly good, it can also be extremely invalidating for the person struggling. Hearing an influencer say that it takes ‘just 5 simple steps’ to get rid of their, for example depression will often minimise their experience, further exacerbating feelings of shame and unworthiness. For those with a history of complicated trauma a much more nuanced and collaborative approach is essential for their healing.
Nutritional Therapy can support mental health through diet, lifestyle factors, sleep hygiene, physical fitness and mobility, environmental factors, epigenetics, and through coaching - offering the support needed to make changes and education to empower clients to make their own choices going forward.
Mental health is complex and therefore should be treated with much care, empathy and a solid support team. In more severe and complex cases of past trauma and mental illness, I will always recommend additional therapeutic support. This is not limited to a psychiatrist or psychologist because for some, talk therapy is not helpful. There are a variety of therapies available including somatic therapies, EMDR, psychedelic medicines are currently being researched with some proven excellent results for those with PTSD and treatment resistant depression - I should note, these medicines are currently illegal in the UK. As my client I will discuss all the therapeutic options for further support and together we can formulate the best plan for you.
If you would like to find out more then please email me your questions, or set up your free no-obligation 20 minute discovery call.
In-person appointments available in
Rotherhithe, SE16
Online sessions available - Zoom/FaceTime/Whatsapp Video
Initial consultation (90 mins) - £135
Follow up (45 mins) - £85
1-1 Nutrition Consultation - What to expect
Before your consultation:
After booking your consultation I will email a questionnaire for you to complete and send back to me three days before our initial consultation. The questionnaire does require you to fill out a three day food diary so please allow the time to complete this. In providing me with this information beforehand, I will be able to develop a picture of where you are now and tailor the programme to meet your unique requirements. This will also give more value to the consultation as much of the case analysis will be completed prior to meeting.
Initial consultation:
Your initial consultation is 1 hr 30 minutes where we will discuss your current goals and health concerns. I will then tailor a nutrition and lifestyle programme specific to your needs which will be emailed to you within three working days of our consultation. Supplements and further testing may be recommended.
Follow up consultation
I recommend a follow-up consultation two to three weeks after your initial consultation. This is a way we can track your progress to date and make any necessary adjustments to your nutrition and lifestyle programme. The follow-up consultation lasts 45 minutes. Further consultations may be recommended depending on your requirements.
Initial consultation £135 (90 mins)
Follow up £85 (45 mins)
Want to find out if this is for you? Please click the link below to arrange a free call to answer any questions you might have
1-1 Nutrition and Yoga (8 week course)
This option is excellent for clients who do not yet have a regular exercise regime, who are in sedentary jobs, or have specific physical ailments or injuries they are looking to rehabilitate…also just an excellent option for those who are curious and want to deepen the relationship with their body, mind, and spirit. This 8 week yoga course suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced practitioners and includes 1 initial nutritional consultation (90 minutes) and 3 follow up consultations (45 minutes each).
8 weekly 1-1 yoga classes designed to meet your unique requirements (75 minute classes)
1 x 90 minute nutritional consultation (week 1)
3 x 45 minute follow up consultations (week 3, week 5, week 7)
Cost: £925 - first time clients receive 10% discount (£833)

“Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure.”
I am registered with The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and therefore practice under their strict code of conduct. Here is a short video describing in more detail how a BANT registered Nutritional Therapist can help you.